
Friday Phone Dump

“You have not missed out
on what was meant for you
you have not missed out
on what was meant for you:
a life
where even
through brokenness
morning mercy
morning Light
shines through.

Things will change.
Yes, things will change.
Hour by hour,
and day by day.
You will grieve
what could have been
and what is no longer
the same,
and you will shine, on anyway.
you will shine on, anyway.

So here’s new beginnings
sunrise into sunrise:
you have not seen everything yet,
through it all, you are still alive.”

// Morgan Harper Nichols


1-2) Sweet porch mornings feat. avocado toast (#millennial) and more Mary Oliver.

3-4) We’re still getting plenty of rain with sunny days peppered in between - the flowers are loving it and so are we. How crazy are those neon ones?!

5) When we went to the Monet exhibit at the DeYoung Museum last year, we bought a puzzle of one of the paintings as a souvenir! It’s so lovely, and sooooo difficult. We haven’t made much progress though it’s been sitting on our table all week. Wish us luck!

6-11) Rainy walk moments, an ongoing series.


12) Another screenshot from virtual hangs with Daylan and Jake feat. them being prepared for the photo and me not being prepared lol

13) Bozeman loves going outside when it’s raining, because that means he gets a rub-down with this old towel when we get home haha

14-17) More from the rainy walk series

18) Just a cute Bozeman pic, because these quarantine Friday Phone Dumps are really going to be doubling down on the usual features around here.


19-20) I turned 30 on Monday, and it was really really sweet despite the circumstances. My friends surprised me with lots of lovely notes, and I spent most of the day on the porch watching the rain. For dinner, Colin and I walked to our favorite restaurant around here to pick up food and birthday margaritas :) yummmmmmmmm Also, our river is extra full from the rain - so lovely.

21) I started DM’ing a game of D&D with Colin and The 5 (his group of friends from elementary school), so lots of my time has been filled with drawing maps, taking notes, and writing potential scenes. Consider this another jewel in my nerd crown.


22) I had to take a little hop so as to avoid this portal to another universe, but I waved hi as I leapt.


23) It’s hard to see here, but this is always a lovely view of the hills.

24-28) Sunshine moments

29) Every once-in-awhile, Bozeman likes to steal my seat when I get up :)


30) Palm tree hugs are cute.

This weekend we’ll be working on that puzzle as well as a few random chores. I hope you and yours are safe and well!
